United York Rite College No. 127

United York Rite College No. 127

Grand Governor, Right Eminently Distinguished Brother David F. Stoy, No. 127
Deputy Grand Governor, Very Eminently Distinguished Brother & Rev Charles M. Roberts , No. 25 cholyone at rochester.rr.com

The pre-requisite for membership, which is by invitation only, is good-standing in all four York Rite bodies: Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery.
Chartered on: July 30, 1988

This set of websites is a project of United YRC 127

Cast Order of Knight of York

1st Section

Officers at their stations and places

2nd Section

Athelstan, King of all England Richard S. Transue
Prince Edwin Robert N. Rogers, III
Lord Chancellor of the Court William S. Morley
Lord Archbishop of England Bruce L. Van Buren
Lord Preceptor of York University James W. Hemstrought, Jr.
Lord Grand Commander of Chivalry Dennis S. Davis
Lord Mayor of York Steven P. Esford
Knight Commander John P. Murray
Knights in Uniform Earl G. Wilkinson
Carl J. Klossner
Phillip J. Chandler
Overseer Steven R. Shearer
Craftsman Richard S. Morley
Frank R. Williams
Herald Joseph I. Greenfield

3rd Section

Officers at their stations and places

Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
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