
Instituted September 12, 1922

Meets Second Friday
from September thru May
June Installation
Cooperstown Masonic Temple
77 Main St, Cooperstown, NY 13326


Full page calendar


Sir Knights,

A reminder that YOU are needed at our conclaves maybe to be that 9th that we need to officially open. I know we are all very busy and we have limited time and resources, but please make Commandery a priority. After closing we have light refreshments and discussion/planning.

See the schedule below and on the KT Zone 5 Calendar
4th and 5th Fridays will be for make-up meetings and schools as needed.

2022 Schedule

Date Time Event Location
Sat Jan 22 10 am Grand Commandery Symposium Albany
Sun Apr 17 Grand Encampment Easter Sunrise Service Alexandria
Fri Apr 22 7:30 pm School for Inspection
Fri May 6 7:30 pm School for Inspection
Fri May 13 5:30 pm

7:30 pm
Dinner at Tunnicliff Inn, 34-36 Pioneer St, Cooperstown, NY
RSVP Bruce
Annual Conclave: Nominations, Election, Annual Inspection
Fri June 10 5:30 pm

7:30 pm
Dinner at Nicoletta's
96 Main St, Cooperstown, NY
RSVP to Bruce 607-435-7767
Special Conclave: Installation of Officers
Fri Sept 9 7:30 pm Stated Conclave:
Sat Sept 16 Grand Conclave
Fri Oct 14 7:30 pm Stated Conclave:
Sat Oct 1
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
100th Anniversary Celebration
Light Dinner
Rededication & coffee and cake.
By September 24, 2022 make your $30 dinner reservation online or see flyer to mail your reservation.
Fri Nov 11 7:30 pm Stated Conclave:
Thur Dec 8 6:30 pm Norwich Commandery Christmas Observance Oxford
Fri Dec 9 6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Dinner at Nicoletta's
Stated Conclave: Dessert & Christmas Observance with ladies. Annual Awards
Fri Jan 13 7:30 pm Stated Conclave:

2024 Schedule

Date Time Event Location
Fri Jan 12 7:30 pm Stated Conclave: Order of Malta video
Fri Feb 9 7:30 pm Stated Conclave: Practice Order of Malta
Fri Mar 8 7:30 pm Stated Conclave: Practice Malta
Sat Mar 16 8:30 am Confer Order of Red Cross
Confer Order of Malta
Confer Order of the Temple
St. Georges
Mar 21-23 Grand Convocation Binghamton
Sun Mar 31 Grand Encampment Easter Sunrise Service Alexandria
Fri Apr 12 7:30 pm Stated Conclave: School for Inspection
Fri Apr 26 7:30 pm School for Inspection
Fri May 3 7:30 pm School for Inspection
Fri May 10 6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Annual Conclave: Nominations and Election
Inspection by SK Kenneth Jordan
Fri June 14 6:00 pm

7:30 pm
Dinner at Nicoletta's
96 Main St, Cooperstown, NY
RSVP to Bruce 607-435-7767
Special Conclave: Installation of Officers

2024 Schedule

Pre-conclaves | 6:00 pm | Dinner at Nicoletta's

Date Time Event Location
Fri Sept 13 7:30 pm Stated Conclave: CANCELLED
Fri-Sun Sept 20-22 Grand Conclave
Fri Oct 11 7:30 pm Stated Conclave:
Fri Nov 8 7:30 pm Stated Conclave:
Thur Dec 12 6:30 pm Norwich Commandery Christmas Observance Oxford
Fri Dec 13 6:30 pm
8:00 pm
Dinner at Nicoletta's
Stated Conclave: Dessert & Christmas Observance with ladies. Annual Awards

2025 Schedule

Pre-conclaves | 6:00 pm | Dinner at Nicoletta's

Date Time Event Location
Sat Mar 22 8:30 am Confer Order of Red Cross
Confer Order of Malta
Confer Order of the Temple
St. Georges

Inspection Requirements


2026 Schedule

We pray that Sir Knight Earl Wilkinson becomes Grand Commander.

2027 Schedule

Zone 5 at Easter Sunrise Service Alexandria Va


Earl G. Wilkinson Installed as Grand Warder

BruceVB - 2018-09-16 13:11 - ( Reads)

Congratulations to Sir Knight Earl G. Wilkinson who was installed as Grand Warder for the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar for the State of New York on September 15, 2018.
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Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
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