
Oneonta Council No. 87
Cryptic Masons

Assemblies on 4th Wed. at 7:30 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm

Sept.-Oct. & Jan.-May
Oneonta Masonic Temple
322 Main Street
Oneonta, New York 13820

R∴I∴ David E. Barnes (74), DDGM
V∴I∴ Mathias J. Erschen, IV (74), Assistant Grand Lecturer
R∴I∴ Carl J. Klossner, Grand Captain of the Guard, District Officer

M∴I∴ Donald R. Kunego (19), Grand Master

Past Illustrious Masters


Year Companion
1969 2005 R∴I∴ James W. Hemstrought, Jr., KYGCH
1983 R∴I∴ David F. Stoy, KYGCH
1993 R∴I∴ Francis K. Wilcox, KYCH
1995 R∴I∴ Hugh R Price Jr, KYCH
2000,01 I∴ Donald O Fredenburg Sr, KYCH
2003 R∴ I∴ John R Nealis II, KYCH
2004 I∴ Jeffrey A Gearhart
2006(1607va) 2016 R∴I∴ Bruce L. Van Buren, KYCH
2008,10 I∴ Joseph I. Greenfield, KYCH
2009 I∴ Homer A. Burch, KYCH
2011 I∴ William S. Morley, KYCH
2012, 19, 20 I∴ James A Meek
2013 2018 I∴ Robert N. Rogers III, KYCH
2014 I∴ Charles L. Lowe
2015 2021 R∴I∴ Richard S. Transue, KYCH
2017 I∴ Stephen Shearer

Illustrious Masters

x Alfred J Stratton 1927
x William E Ford 1928
x Ursil A Ferguson 1929
x Richard M Roberts 1930
x D L Palmer 1931
x Arthur W Damaschke 1932
x Walter A Bliss 1933
x Fred L Hallenbeck 1934
x Homer G Wheeler 1935
x Gustaf Enfors 1936
x Edwin R Moore 1937
x Moses E Lippitt 1939
x Wilmer E Bresee 1940
x Walter L Hunt 1941
x William K Brodie 1942
x William A Champlin 1944
x J Harry Cook 1945
x LaVerne F Pierce 1946
x Carl H Johnson 1947
x Harold W Voldwider 1948
x Oron W Gage 1950
x Harris G Clark Sr 1951
x William N Bliss 1952
x William G Tyler 1953
x J Donald Garnsey 1955
x Thomas J Hill 1956
x Ralph C Taggart 1957
x Edwin A Eaton 1958
x Wilson S Spry 1959

x Oliver W Haire 1960
x Charles D Ellsworth 1961
x Joseph R Evans 1962
x Oliver D Mereness 1963
x Clarence H Newcomb 1964
x John Daniels 1965
x Francis W Clark 1966
x Leslie W Wedge 1967
x Wesley R Aldrich 1968
James W Hemstrought Jr 1969
x James H Whitcomb 1970
x Fred G Hickein 1971
x Fred H Carlson 1972
x Walter M Fritts 1973
x S Stewart Brunton 1974
x George H Harrison 1975
x Joseph W Hover 1976
x M Dennison Olmstead 1977
$ Darrell D Lawson 1978
x Jerry F Tryon 1979
x Warren D Herklotz 1980
x Chandra Kaly 1981
x Wayne E Carrington Sr 1982
David F Stoy 1983
x Edward S Newsham 1984
x Donald N Short 1985
x Robert F Drake 1986

x Louis E Johnson 1987
x William H Olmsted 1988
x Ferris T Middlemast 1989
x John A Snyder 1990
x Harold R Heiple 1991
x Calvin A May Jr 1992
Francis K Wilcox 1993
x Paul T Henry Sr 1994
Hugh R Price Jr 1995
x Allen C Lang 1996
x Walter A Collins 1997
x Alexander R Grone 1998
Donald O Fredenburg Sr 2000
John R Nealis II 2003
Jeffrey A Gearhart 2004
x Wesley C Wilson 2006
Joseph I Greenfield 2008
Homer A Burch 2009
William S Morley 2011
James A Meek 2012
Robert N. Rogers III 2013
Charles L. Lowe 2014
Richard S. Transue 2015
Bruce L. Van Buren 2016
Stephen Shearer 2017

x denotes Deceased, $ denotes Demitted


x Richard M Roberts Grand Representative of Colorado 1931-34
x Ursil A Ferguson
x J Harry Cook District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1946
x Arthur W Damaschke Grand Representative of Indiana 1947,48
x William A Champlin Grand Representative of South Carolina 1951-53
x William N Bliss District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1952
x Wilmer E Bresee District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1954
x William G Tyler District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1956
x Thomas J Hill District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1957
x Wilson E Spry District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1959
x J Donald Garnsey Grand Representative of California 1959-61
Honorary Past Grand Master 1973
x Ralph C Taggart District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1961
x Joseph R Evans District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1963
x Oliver D Mereness District Deputy Grand Master in 11th 1965
Grand Lecturer 1988-89
Grand Master Grand Council 1992
Grand Trustee 1994-96
x Charles D Ellsworth Grand Representative of Washington 1965
x Leslie W Wedge District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1968
x Wesley R Aldrich District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1973
x S Stewart Brunton Grand Representative of New Hampshire 1977-79
Fred G Hickein District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1977
Grand Master Grand Council 1984-85
Trustee Grand Council R&SM 1990-91
Grand Recorder 1992-2000
Grand Representative of Scotland 2002-
x James H Whitcomb Grand Representative of New Hampshire 1982-85
James W Hemstrought Jr Grand Representative of Oregon 1982-90
District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1992-93
x Jerry F Tryon District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1984-85
x George H Harrison Grand Sentinel 1984
x Chandra Kaly Grand Representative of Pennsylvania 1986-93
x Ferris T Middlemast Grand Representative of South Carolina 1991-97
David F Stoy Grand Sentinel 1992
Francis K Wilcox Grand Musician 1992-
x Allen C Lang Grand Chaplain 1993-
x Wayne E Carrington Sr Grand Master 1994
x Grand Trustee 1998-2001
x Edward S Newsham Grand Sentinel 1994
Hugh R Price Jr District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 1998-99
x Walter A Collins Grand Chaplain 2001
x Paul T Henry Sr Grand Representative of Utah 2004
John R Nealis II District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 2010-
R∴I∴ Bruce L. Van Buren District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 2018-2020
R∴I∴ Robert N. Rogers III District Deputy Grand Master in 4th 2020
R∴I∴ Richard S. Transue Grand Standard Bearer

Contributors to this page: BruceVB and BruceVanBuren .
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