York Rite Colleges of New York
Sovereign York Rite College
of North America

This set of websites
is a project of United YRC 127

York Rite Colleges of New York

Grand Governor, Right Eminently Distinguished Brother David F. Stoy, No. 127, dstoy at stny.rr.com
Deputy Grand Governor, Very Eminently Distinguished Brother Chuck Roberts, No. 25, cholyone at rochester.rr.com

The York Rite Sovereign College of North America exists primarily to be of service to the York Rite of Freemasonry. Constituent colleges must declare fealty to the Grand Lodge of their respective jurisdictions. The pre-requisite for membership, which is by invitation only, is good-standing in all four York Rite bodies: Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery.

Google Group yrcny at googlegroups.com

Contributors to this page: BruceVB .
Page last modified on Tuesday October 24, 2023 18:45:55 EDT by BruceVB.
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