Brethren, please mark your calendars for this year’s Grand Lecturer’s Convention. R:.W:. Richard Friedman (Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York) will present in person!
When: October 4th, 2023
Where: Oneonta Lodge #466
322 Main St.
Oneonta, NY 13820
Time: 7:00pm sharp
Dinner: 6:00pm
-This year’s Convention will begin with the Hiramic Legend. This will be followed by the Obligation (split up by as many Brothers as we can get to do the “Furthermores”.
-The “Raising”
-The Working Tools
-The Walking Charge
-Then close with the Harris Prayer
This will be a long Convention, but will be well worth attending! Please make all efforts to attend, and support R:.W:. Rich Friedman (Grand Lecturer of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York).
It is guaranteed we will all learn something of our time honored Ritual.
If you would like to volunteer to do a part, please contact me, or V:.W:. John Murray, or W:. Maciej Zoltowski (Master, Oneonta Lodge).
See you in the quarries!
V:.W:. Keith Dickison
Assistant Grand Lecturer
Grand Lecturer's Convention 2023
BruceVB - 2023-09-15 15:03 - (168311 Reads)Grand Lecturer's Convention 2023